說起來也真的頗久沒有看過很引人入勝的打槍片,不是打打殺殺你炸我我炸你,就是情情塔塔你愛我我愛你。如果拍得好,一部講述打槍的片子其實可以很有型有格的。可是同時間,要拍得跟其他同類型的電影相比有差也不容易。前些日子跟小妹吃飯的時候,看到電視重播The Italian Job(中譯:偷天換日/天羅盜網/意大利任務)。裡面最令人拍案叫絕的,就是那場製造塞車以及那三部萬能的Mini Cooper。
I got so impressed after looking at my friend’s assignment interface. It was simply just tooooooo nice. Therefore, me and my group members agreed to decorate our assignment a bit. Besides that, since we started using MDI, then the whole structure has to be revised.
We have added a navigation menu, so that the bar up there doesn’t look too plain (what an excuse). Then we added in some shortcut button suggested by one of my group members. We have also removed our so-called “logo”, since it was not so nice. And lastly, almost all buttons are now with icons so that user can see them clearly (hehehe).
Our system is usable at the moment as long as u do not key in the wrong thing (like you enter letters when you are asked to enter numeric) because we do not have time to do complete validation. We expect all the validation will be done at the time we submit our assignment though. Below are some of the screenshots taken from my assignment project. You can click on them for better enlarged view.
最近不知是不是前世得罪的人多,所以这阵子一直处于忙碌的状态,简直是忙到连剖腹生产都没时间(咦?),更不用说写blog了。最糟糕的是,我在另一个blog之前大摇大鼓的说要发一整个系列关于我等待已久的Nokia N9文章,结果写到一半现在正在半放飞机状态。而且最扯的是,我明明买了新手机来换掉我那死掉的N81(其实要不是我用着那部我爸以前的E52的喇叭爆了我大概会拖到年尾才舍得买吧),可是我却没时间好好玩,连用内置的相机拍张照片的心情都没有,这也太糟糕了。