前几天把已经接近完工的站点丢给了前同事想说听听他的意见,结果一如既往他仍然诸多挑剔(是好事来的),不过他说了很多,我记得的只有一句话——站点很Geocities。可能你不晓得Geocities是什么(八字辈其实我不觉得很多人会知道),不过当时Geocities可是一个相当流行的站点付托服务(Web hosting service),几乎很多初学写网页的菜鸟都选择在那边安家。
之前也說過了,雖然現在不是Pemantau身份,但是還是會盡量讓自己投下的一票是個informed choice。為了確保自己投下的一票不止是情緒化的結果,所以還是決定盡量去各候選人的政治演說。其實說每個有點心虛,因為我一直都沒有打算把機會給獨立人士(不好意思)。無論如何,話說回來結論就是我會盡量在這個星期出席國陣和民聯兩大陣營候選人的公開言說活動就是。其實昨天州議員有一場因為真的不知道在什麼地方,而且看地址似乎不是什麼公開的場合就沒去。
(more…)Recently our English for Science unit’s lecturer posted an issue about e-learning at the college’s “e-learning” system (which is actually a blackBoard Learning System that is also used by many other colleges) and we are required to write a response to that issue. She also provided a link to a page that clearly explains about “e-learning”. Until now, I have really no idea on this issue since I am still reading that webpage while I am posting this.
If only looking at my college’s so called “e-learning” system, I really don’t like it much because it is not as useful as I expected. Blackboard Learning System is no doubt a good system handling “e-learning” things but it is not being well used at my college. I myself prefer looking for information at another websites rather than the e-learning system because there are almost nothing provided by our lecturer through the system except for some lecture notes / tutorial questions / assignment questions etc. I have a friend studying at another college and I heard from him that he can get a lot more things through their college BlackBoard System besides notes / assignments etc. And the participation of his lecturer is much better compared to my college. I found that sometimes it is very rare to see any lecturer to join in our discussion in the discussion board and probably this is why Blackboard System is not popular in my college.
But these are only some problems that only occur in my college, and this doesn’t mean that they will happen in other colleges as well. Therefore these cannot be the only points in my response to the issue, *sigh*. Now I would need to start thinking what to write and post them this Friday since I do not have much spare time because the units I took in this semester are quite tough (at least 4 credit hours) and I am definitely don’t wish the same thing happened as the “Introductory to Discrete Mathematics” unit last semester.