I got so impressed after looking at my friend’s assignment interface. It was simply just tooooooo nice. Therefore, me and my group members agreed to decorate our assignment a bit. Besides that, since we started using MDI, then the whole structure has to be revised.
We have added a navigation menu, so that the bar up there doesn’t look too plain (what an excuse). Then we added in some shortcut button suggested by one of my group members. We have also removed our so-called “logo”, since it was not so nice. And lastly, almost all buttons are now with icons so that user can see them clearly (hehehe).
Our system is usable at the moment as long as u do not key in the wrong thing (like you enter letters when you are asked to enter numeric) because we do not have time to do complete validation. We expect all the validation will be done at the time we submit our assignment though. Below are some of the screenshots taken from my assignment project. You can click on them for better enlarged view.
终于有点时间写写这部电影的观后感了,如果不是我朋友硬拉我去,我想我大概不会想要看这样的电影吧,毕竟这类电影我一年大概只看一部这样。这部电影名字很直接,就叫做《Bridesmaids》,就一群伴娘的故事,其实说到底故事主要都围绕在Maid of Honor,也就是Annie(Kristen Wiig)的身上。先说说Kristen Wiig这个人吧,从资料看起来他是美国的一个叫Saturday Night Live这似乎是很胡闹的喜剧类综艺节目的其中一个班底,演过的角色似乎很多,其中一个还让一个男生因为模仿她而大红。
因为尊贵的regina小姐,也就是我的assignment group member病得很频繁,所以常常缺席。常常缺席带来的问题就是,很多discussion做不到(不过见到面说废话多过正经事,不过这很主观,搞不好你会认为我们很正经的谈事情)。上个星期五,我熬夜到清晨七点,然后原本应该睡到10点,结果11点才起身(要睡得时候看到胡叔叔,他更厉害,还没睡)。结果牺牲了上课的时间,还好我的record还很干净,所以缺席一次半次还不会死。可是去到学院才知道regina又病了,还是同学赶着送过去clinic的,紧急状况涅。