Wahaha, after trying for 4 times, finally we get our (our group) DFD diagram 0 correct, phew~. Basically, today I spent the whole day (and I’m still doing) doing DFD. I wonder whether I will get fed up with DFD later. Today we heard some bad news from our lecturers. That is most probably we will have some replacement classes on Saturdays. This is why I don’t feel happy whenever a lecturer is on leave. Why do I (mebbe the whole class) hate Saturday classes? This is because normally we do not have class on Saturday (But we have to stay in college for quite a long time, and mostly break between classes).
Besides that, we are also required to prepare for 2 presentations for week 11-12 that is not more than 3 weeks from now. The problem now is most of our time is occupied with case study assignments. I wonder there is any time left for me to do some revision for other subjects (We still have 4 more tests for Java Programming, 1 test for Calculus, and 1 more “online” test for System Analysis).
Let’s pray for more relaxing life after this week, hohoho~
其實想要動手很久了,但是想到似乎很危險就算了。說的,就是Macbook電池腫脹的問題。算起來這是第二次,第一次比較幸運的是還在ACPP的生效日期內發生。第二次就沒那麼幸運了,我是在ACPP完全過期後的一兩個月發現又再次腫脹。是說發生過一次倒黴了,再來第二次又是同樣的問題是哪招?如果這是我買的電池就算了,這還是Warranty Claim回來的。
这次大概是我印象中第一次看前汤嫂演戏,一来就是这种很俗气的大片——Australia。说是大片其实主线故事应该是在于两位主角暧昧的感情戏吧。由于之前完全不知道电影是要讲述什么故事,所以在片头交代一些当时澳洲的社会现象和被盗窃的一代(还是用The Stolen Generation好了)的背景资料我就以为是一部讲述这一代的孩子是怎么怎么的故事。可是看到片尾看到字幕又出来说他们的总统在去年发表道歉声明的时候我真的很想骂一句很难听的话,这根本就是一部拿这一代人来消遣的电影。
这是一部很赏心悦目的歌舞片,算起来也是我第二次看这位导演(Rob Marshall)的作品(第一次是艺伎回忆录)。这是一部述说着一个自恋狂的故事……是能这样说吗?因为电影内几乎好一大部分都在吹嘘男主角Guido Contini(看完电影后,你可能不记得里面的女主角,可是你不会忘记男主角的名字)是多么优秀的movie maker。是的,这是一部说这位电影人是如何荒唐的周旋于身边的女人的故事。