Yoyo! This is my first post in english. From now on, all english blog posts will be posted to categories that is named in english. This is the first time I post articles over internet in english instead of chinese. Hopefully my english is not too “broken” till others are not able to understand.
At the moment I’m rushing for my System Analyzing case study and encounter some difficulties to draw DFD (Data Flow Diagram) with Microsoft Visio. I had tried other open source alternative software (for example, DIA for windows) but found out that they are more difficult to draw DFD.
Besides drawing DFD, I am also designing some input and output screen related to my case study titled Online Bookstore System Analysis. Luckily I played with those IDE before and know a bit of the techniques to design a form, or else I will spend hours to figure out how to design those damned IO screen.
Stressssssssss, but anyway, I watched Fantastic Four (F4) this afternoon and posted my thoughts on that movie (in chinese). If you are interested, you may read it with help from online translator (Google translator).
今天可说是惊心动魄,要不是我朋友眼尖看到防火系统的指示灯,我也不知道我们即将铺路在火灾的阴影下。话说今天我们提早到达lecture hall上一课让人期待很高的一课,一切皆因我们将由一位美国佬从今天开始的五个星期内给于授课(不要太在意句子的语法,我知道我的语法很差)。因为提早到达的关系,所以我们就两手晃晃的在那个范围走来走去,然后天马行空什么都谈。可是其中的一位即将结婚的小姐不知道是不是生理期即将到情绪有些不是很稳定(后来据她说,生理期应该快到了,来我们来倒数接下来的28天,看看我的中学bio老师有没有虎烂)。
今天其实是趁着图书馆没有开,所以一次过看三部电影(应该是破纪录了),第二部就是现在要说的这部幸福便当(のんちゃんのり弁 / Noriben-The Recipe of Fortune)。先说说个人的小牢骚,虽然这是一部才用了区区五令吉,而且是和日本基金会之类的团体合作的电影节,可是……播DVD(推友还说有可能是蓝光之类的高清技术,切~)好像不太好,更不用说在观影的过程中,被背景里喇叭发出来滋滋的声响(感觉就好像一个廉价的喇叭开很大声但是没有在播任何声音而持续听到的滋滋声)。好,牢骚到此完毕,毕竟才五块钱要求太高不太好。