不吐不快,但是不知道吐什么出来,这个叫什么?简单两个字——无奈。为什么无奈?一来是为了分组的事情忙,二来是为了自己的blog post用意和意思被扭曲。不知道自己发这么多东西出来把事情摊开来讲会引发这么多事端,是我高估了大家的心胸吗?还是大家宁愿什么事情都当没发生过,一切扫入地毯下就好了,那么眼不见为净?然后结论就是,我只不过是一个八公去烦一些不该去烦的事情。如果是这样,我认命算了。但是我就是不甘心,我不甘心同学见还要顾忌这个顾忌那个,不甘心看到大家为了这么小的事情引发那么多风波。但是不甘心又能如何?我只是选择了把一切发生的经过记录下来,我并没有,也没有必要去邀请他们来看我的blog。
Wahaha, the presentation was just going fine just that our group has missed some feature that is suppose to be ready as mentioned in our proposal. Besides that, our lecturer also required us to prepare some new modules in order to make the system more complete. However, since we havn’t learn anything about MDI yet I think I will just wait until all three of us master that chapter then only we start our second version.
Our group are quite fortunate since there are not much problems occur during our presentation. The group after us keep facing technical problems and this helped the last group because they have another week to prepare for this presentation. However, if I were them I will feel a bit dissapointed. Hohoho.
Wahaha, after trying for 4 times, finally we get our (our group) DFD diagram 0 correct, phew~. Basically, today I spent the whole day (and I’m still doing) doing DFD. I wonder whether I will get fed up with DFD later. Today we heard some bad news from our lecturers. That is most probably we will have some replacement classes on Saturdays. This is why I don’t feel happy whenever a lecturer is on leave. Why do I (mebbe the whole class) hate Saturday classes? This is because normally we do not have class on Saturday (But we have to stay in college for quite a long time, and mostly break between classes).
Besides that, we are also required to prepare for 2 presentations for week 11-12 that is not more than 3 weeks from now. The problem now is most of our time is occupied with case study assignments. I wonder there is any time left for me to do some revision for other subjects (We still have 4 more tests for Java Programming, 1 test for Calculus, and 1 more “online” test for System Analysis).
Let’s pray for more relaxing life after this week, hohoho~
有时候看到我的统计软件那些search term就觉得啼笑皆非,难道我写文章的尺度太过“开放”?不明白的话你可以点击这个看看。不明白我葫芦卖什么药?你看到的那页搜索结果的关键词,就是其中一个人家找上门来的关键词。有时候遇到这样的情况,我也不知道应该暗爽,欣喜,淫笑阴笑还是哭好。不过我觉得还是“明笑”似乎比较好一点,原来写blog也有如此的乐趣,这倒还不错。