虽然在网络上,看到Avatar这个字眼我们都会下意识link到所谓的大头照或头像,不过同一个字在这部电影应该叫个什么替身或是什么的比较贴切吧?不过老实说,看完了,一整个会觉得之前Bruce Willis打到要死的Surrogates完全是超级小成本制作。不过特效人人都能做,这在现今这个时代已经是有钱就能办到的东西还是说说就算了,回到最重要的点,自然是故事本身。简单来说,这是一部大体上来看类似《无间道》的电影。不过如果这样说,这部电影……或者应该说很多电影都是集天下之大全(难听点叫天下文章一大抄,不过抄袭这个issue最近很敏感,我选择另一个说法),基本上这部电影就是The Matrix、Pocahontas、Surrogates、无间道、Harry Potter、The Lord of the Rings等等电影的综合体。
Recently our English for Science unit’s lecturer posted an issue about e-learning at the college’s “e-learning” system (which is actually a blackBoard Learning System that is also used by many other colleges) and we are required to write a response to that issue. She also provided a link to a page that clearly explains about “e-learning”. Until now, I have really no idea on this issue since I am still reading that webpage while I am posting this.
If only looking at my college’s so called “e-learning” system, I really don’t like it much because it is not as useful as I expected. Blackboard Learning System is no doubt a good system handling “e-learning” things but it is not being well used at my college. I myself prefer looking for information at another websites rather than the e-learning system because there are almost nothing provided by our lecturer through the system except for some lecture notes / tutorial questions / assignment questions etc. I have a friend studying at another college and I heard from him that he can get a lot more things through their college BlackBoard System besides notes / assignments etc. And the participation of his lecturer is much better compared to my college. I found that sometimes it is very rare to see any lecturer to join in our discussion in the discussion board and probably this is why Blackboard System is not popular in my college.
But these are only some problems that only occur in my college, and this doesn’t mean that they will happen in other colleges as well. Therefore these cannot be the only points in my response to the issue, *sigh*. Now I would need to start thinking what to write and post them this Friday since I do not have much spare time because the units I took in this semester are quite tough (at least 4 credit hours) and I am definitely don’t wish the same thing happened as the “Introductory to Discrete Mathematics” unit last semester.
看了标题请不要忙着打我,这篇的确还(是不是下一篇很难说,不过第一天的游记照片大致上已经ready)不是游记。本来早就该发这一篇当作是报平安的一篇文章,可是却拖到现在,大概也失去报平安的那种意义。这几天忙着再次适应上课的日子,然后接下来就是清掉一屁股的工作,比如说我的project,老豆的一大堆document work,一大堆的tutorial功课等等。最夸张的是回来后的第二天,因为我的闹钟(也就是我的手机)忘记把时区调回来,所以醒来的时候已经是相当迟了,人还懵懵懂懂的不知道为什么事件好像有点不对劲(所以有一段时间我的msn是“明明是那么迫不及待离开,但是时间观却被柬埔寨彻底俘虏”)。
前几天在电台听到一个目前很应景的潮流语言-那就是所谓的Y.E.S = Year End Sales。是的不错,上星期我是去了大众书局的年终大倾销。不要怀疑,经过了上次吉隆坡书展的呕血经验后,不怕死的我还是踏上了这条不归路……开玩笑啦,本来是不打算去书展的啦,因为……不知者不罪咯。哈哈哈。
好了,我看到这样的价钱当然行动的不得了,本来是打算买Dan Brown让他一鸣惊人的The Da Vinci Code的,但是看到中译本和英文原著价钱相差一倍有多,让我决定买下中译本,因为还是价钱比较便宜的关系。
1。Digital Fortress中译本-Dan Brown (如果很精彩考虑买原著)
2。The Da Vinci Code中译本-Dan Brown(如果很精彩考虑买原著)
4。陶吉吉-I’m OK
5。Tension – Gotta Be Your Man
6。Tension – 爱。星球
还有因为得到10令吉折价券,我还买了哈里波特第一本-神秘的魔法石(Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone – JK Rowling)。其他已出版的五本,还是等我消化完手上所有的书本后再打算吧。