这是我第二次打这一篇文章,第一篇文章随着browser crash然后wordpress没有帮我save到的关系完蛋了。好了,我要重新写这篇东西。基本上在凌晨时分他们在电台讨论的同时,我们几个比较相熟的bloggers也在大气电波外的网络同步谈论着,而引起最大回响的,要算是康仔说的08部落年。部落这个词事实上不是我会用的词,不过为了配合大馬部落的征文活动,我在这里可能会不自觉用上这个词儿来代替我一向惯用的网志。
事先声明,这篇文章会有爆多图片,也是笔者第一次在国外写文章。说到笔者目前的状况可真堪称凄凉……在这个凌晨时分还在麦当劳跟周公周旋着努力不让自己入睡。其实不是在这个时候没有地方睡,只是不太方便回去睡,不过这留待后面再叙。说到这个培训课程,其实一切都是在匆匆忙忙中安排的,从renew passwordpassport再风尘仆仆仆着去买车票,到赶去买一对noise cancelling的earphone一切都只不过是两三天内发生的事情。
Sometimes things makes me wonder why am I taking this “Computer Science” course where it is actually a course to teach you how to write programs. I actually expected something like how computer works in detail not programming in DEF language that is popular in demand in local business market. These few days some incidents or I shall say an article makes me think again whether my decision to take this course is a good decision. The article was recommended by my lecturer who lectures us in a subject/unit named “Internet Programming” which should be renamed as “Writting ASP.NET Websites With C#”. Although I find the unit not as interesting as I expected (because most of the things covered in the syllabus are covered again and again in some other subjects/units I took in previous semesters. It is still an interesting subject anyway, considering we have a better image of the .NET framework.)