Yoyo! This is my first post in english. From now on, all english blog posts will be posted to categories that is named in english. This is the first time I post articles over internet in english instead of chinese. Hopefully my english is not too “broken” till others are not able to understand.
At the moment I’m rushing for my System Analyzing case study and encounter some difficulties to draw DFD (Data Flow Diagram) with Microsoft Visio. I had tried other open source alternative software (for example, DIA for windows) but found out that they are more difficult to draw DFD.
Besides drawing DFD, I am also designing some input and output screen related to my case study titled Online Bookstore System Analysis. Luckily I played with those IDE before and know a bit of the techniques to design a form, or else I will spend hours to figure out how to design those damned IO screen.
Stressssssssss, but anyway, I watched Fantastic Four (F4) this afternoon and posted my thoughts on that movie (in chinese). If you are interested, you may read it with help from online translator (Google translator).
自從我的macbook暴斃後,我就寄用我爸的電腦辦公。本來嘛這也沒什麼,誰叫自己這段日子仙都不仙下咩。前陣子再度入手的toptop,甚至是那部已經快有十歲的老機不要說是拿來寫程序,就算用來跑個Ubuntu也有力不從心之感。特別是那部筆記本,十年前運行Windows XP是可以跑得飛快,十年後裝了個最efficient的gentoo開Google Chrome瀏覽多兩個頁面分分鐘會系統崩潰。
为了不让他下次有机会在讲笑会突然间把我的名字爆出来,我在此澄清,王衍任不是大婶,因为今天……他是贵妇靓仔到鬼火这么帅气,嘿嘿。好啦,我不知道大婶这个梗有什么值得好拿来玩的,除非他们是易装癖*喂*……好啦,我的意思是,难为了Season当晚一直被当作姐姐,好可怜(但是没有眼泪倒是真的)。Ah Liong当晚就继续走单纯路线,这次是正面精(怎么感觉不太对不太苏胡的样子?)
自从柬埔寨回来后就一直忙于功课上的问题,这阵子趁着整理我祖父生日和周年纪念的照片的同时,也一并放上一些最近拍的一些照片summary。如果你现在正使用mobile的data plan浏览这个blog,请不要贸然阅读全文因为接下来将会有很多的图片。同样的,如果你不是在宽频上,浏览此页可能会稍微有点慢,请稍忍耐。如果对specific那一张照片有什么意见的话,可以点击缩图到flickr图片专页留言给我。