暗钮(暂定名字),其实并不是个原创的故事。话说前几个月在twitter上面我看到有人丢了一个link出来(不要问我在哪里,我忘记bookmark下来),是在探讨一个道德的问题。文章其实相当长,不过因为非常认可里面的内容的关系,所以我对里面的内容还是有一点的印象。首先必须交代的是故事的原型其实来自一个很久年前的一篇很短的故事——Button, button。其实我拿出来的,也只是那仪器而已,而且这仪器也是经过了小小的改装,如果你有看完全文大概知道我在说什么。
Just spent half a day finishing the interface for my group’s system – library system. And since we couldnt come out with a name that is interesting, so we just simply name the system as “Up2U Library System”, sounds dumb ho…?
Showing above is the main screen interface for our system. The system is separated into 3 parts with 2 modules each. I am in charge of the administration part of the system. Following is one of the screens for my module.
Look dumb huh… Basically, since MDI is not yet taught by the lecturer and I am really to busy to learn that in advance, so I link all the interfaces with “Unload” and “Load” commands. Therefore there is nothing really special about our system. Probably after learning MDI in the coming weeks then I will convert the whole system to MDI, hehehe.
今天是乖乖仔日,所以死仔包我就不免俗地装一天好孩子带了老妈子到电影院看电影。事实上前几天小弟已经处心积虑在book票仆个好位奈何中间的位置已经sold out,让小弟暗锤到一个极点。如同目前的政局一样,今天去拿票的时候发生了超级戏剧化的事情。原来我星期五book了超级乌龙票,本来要看星期天12.30场结果变了星期六的12.30场。结果无奈之下买了前面第二排的票,可是进场的时候,仍然还增添一个更刺激的变数……