Wahaha, after trying for 4 times, finally we get our (our group) DFD diagram 0 correct, phew~. Basically, today I spent the whole day (and I’m still doing) doing DFD. I wonder whether I will get fed up with DFD later. Today we heard some bad news from our lecturers. That is most probably we will have some replacement classes on Saturdays. This is why I don’t feel happy whenever a lecturer is on leave. Why do I (mebbe the whole class) hate Saturday classes? This is because normally we do not have class on Saturday (But we have to stay in college for quite a long time, and mostly break between classes).
Besides that, we are also required to prepare for 2 presentations for week 11-12 that is not more than 3 weeks from now. The problem now is most of our time is occupied with case study assignments. I wonder there is any time left for me to do some revision for other subjects (We still have 4 more tests for Java Programming, 1 test for Calculus, and 1 more “online” test for System Analysis).
Let’s pray for more relaxing life after this week, hohoho~
没有toptop的日子,没有toptop的日子……其实过得还算不错啦,不过很大的原因是我的assignments才刚刚开始接踵而来。预料过几个星期我就开始suffer了,所以必须尽快凑足钱买一粒usb wifi装置插到我的电脑然后整部大块衰搬上去我的房间。由于大块衰的耗电量比我的toptop多上9倍左右,看来我以后再也不能没日没夜上网了,呵呵呵呵呵呵(虽然大部分是没坐在电脑前)。令我感到很意外的是,在后toptop时代,我的blogging频率仍然是保持两三天至少有一个post。真的不知道是喜还是悲……
Just spent half a day finishing the interface for my group’s system – library system. And since we couldnt come out with a name that is interesting, so we just simply name the system as “Up2U Library System”, sounds dumb ho…?
Showing above is the main screen interface for our system. The system is separated into 3 parts with 2 modules each. I am in charge of the administration part of the system. Following is one of the screens for my module.
Look dumb huh… Basically, since MDI is not yet taught by the lecturer and I am really to busy to learn that in advance, so I link all the interfaces with “Unload” and “Load” commands. Therefore there is nothing really special about our system. Probably after learning MDI in the coming weeks then I will convert the whole system to MDI, hehehe.