Just spent half a day finishing the interface for my group’s system – library system. And since we couldnt come out with a name that is interesting, so we just simply name the system as “Up2U Library System”, sounds dumb ho…?
Showing above is the main screen interface for our system. The system is separated into 3 parts with 2 modules each. I am in charge of the administration part of the system. Following is one of the screens for my module.
Look dumb huh… Basically, since MDI is not yet taught by the lecturer and I am really to busy to learn that in advance, so I link all the interfaces with “Unload” and “Load” commands. Therefore there is nothing really special about our system. Probably after learning MDI in the coming weeks then I will convert the whole system to MDI, hehehe.
其实昨天就应该写这份观后感的了,只不过昨天花了一整天来弄我的ubuntu linux,搞到半夜都没得好睡。我在想是不是应该弄一个blog记录我在ubuntu linux下的生活。算起来好像真的很久没有看电影了,这次趁着假期的到来就赶紧去看了一部。可惜我要看的“我要成名”和“黑白道”并没有在我家附近的电影院上映,只好看了一部第三选择的“夜宴”。感觉真的还不错,可能之前听到坊间的评论并不很好的原因吧。