Few days ago, I posted up my response on the e-learning issue as requested by my lecturer. I was quite shocked after found out that not more than 5 people posted their response. Is this a sign showing that even though we are studying computer science, but we still do not appreciate and utilize the internet connection wisely? Or this shows that our e-learning system has some problem because it doesn’t help attracting students to login (in other word, it sucks)?
But then, I am quite impressed that there are people who rely on the internet resources in studying in my course. This is because in my college, we are rely on the lecturer for notes. If a lecturer does not provide notes for photocopying, then he/she will be in trouble when students evaluate him/her during the end of semester. Not many who are really interested finding out more on the subject somewhere else and this is probably why not many logged into the BlackBoard and post their response.
In my response, I pointed out that constant electrical supply is a main factor in order to make e-learning a success. It is quite insulting when we are already used to electricity black-outs even in this so-called “Advanced State”. Besides that, decent broadband coverage is also another important factor because not many residents in Malaysia are able to surf online with the help of broadband. Even one can surf using broadband, if he/she is using Streamyx’s service, then he/she will probably suffer from the constantly service down. Even though there are other ISPs providing broadband connection but they cant provide low cost connection. This is because wired connection that is generally cheaper is already monopolized by Telekom. In order to use other ISPs’ services, we will need to pay more for the hardware because they use wireless technology to deliver broadband connection.
If these problems are left unbothered, then I do not expect E-learning will become a trend in Malaysia.
本来是真的打算这几天假期可以更新一下我的论坛的,只是过了这么多天,还是停留在空讲的状态。刚刚发觉到phpbb已经出到2.0.18了,目前已经下载到了我的laptop准备近日内把论坛更新一下。然后呢近期内将会为论坛装上Cash Mod作为虚拟形象Mod的准备。呵呵呵呵,拖拖拉拉了这么多天,还是没什么东西出来。
最后写写有关本blog的事情,我的blog有幸被Knight先生选中转播到bloglah.net,这个站点集合了很多本地blogger的blog posts,有空可以去跑跑。
后来的后来,就无聊到想顺便播给某大论坛的会员听,反正最近广播风很强烈(我早早就开始玩了,只是没试过人声on air)。接果没有想到并不如想象中顺利,因为有人投诉音质很差(因为玩惯128kbps的广播,没几何试32kbps的,呵呵呵)。后来问题一波接一波,不过也还好得到一些朋友的帮忙,谢谢了。本来开始也是不想说话的,只是大家一直起哄,逼于无奈下,曾给人说我说话有刺的我终于鼓起勇气on-air了,呵呵呵。接果越说越过瘾,不过也越说越词穷,呵呵呵。
在这里先谢谢ahwong5,如果没有他,我的报告就不会在一天之内收集到40余个comment。我这个寂寂无名syok sendiri的无病呻吟式blog也不会得到比往常高得多的访问量。当然,我也很欣慰,因为从大家的comment可以看得出大家都在关心这个社会。虽然这样说是很残酷,可是我觉得利学弟的这一起不幸事件多多少少也敲醒了很多人的警钟。也狠狠地提醒了我们从今以后必须互相合作,守望相助。
Few days ago, I posted up my response on the e-learning issue as requested by my lecturer. I was quite shocked after found out that not more than 5 people posted their response. Is this a sign showing that even though we are studying computer science, but we still do not appreciate and utilize the internet connection wisely? Or this shows that our e-learning system has some problem because it doesn’t help attracting students to login (in other word, it sucks)?
But then, I am quite impressed that there are people who rely on the internet resources in studying in my course. This is because in my college, we are rely on the lecturer for notes. If a lecturer does not provide notes for photocopying, then he/she will be in trouble when students evaluate him/her during the end of semester. Not many who are really interested finding out more on the subject somewhere else and this is probably why not many logged into the BlackBoard and post their response.
In my response, I pointed out that constant electrical supply is a main factor in order to make e-learning a success. It is quite insulting when we are already used to electricity black-outs even in this so-called “Advanced State”. Besides that, decent broadband coverage is also another important factor because not many residents in Malaysia are able to surf online with the help of broadband. Even one can surf using broadband, if he/she is using Streamyx’s service, then he/she will probably suffer from the constantly service down. Even though there are other ISPs providing broadband connection but they cant provide low cost connection. This is because wired connection that is generally cheaper is already monopolized by Telekom. In order to use other ISPs’ services, we will need to pay more for the hardware because they use wireless technology to deliver broadband connection.
If these problems are left unbothered, then I do not expect E-learning will become a trend in Malaysia.
今天的988公鸡饭碗弥漫着幸福开心的气氛,因为今天谈论的话题是同学会。听到大家一轮嘴call in晒命,也真的感染到了一些些的欢愉。同学会,曾经是一个让我摸不着边际的一个活动。一直到前几年几经辛苦之下(不是我辛苦啦,我再说我的小学同学),我的朋友终于找到我了,于是乎我就成了同学会的常客。我们的同学会基本上是一年举办一次,时间都是在正月初五初六这几天左右,因为大多数人只有在这个时候才会一起得空。不然的话,大海浪都扯不到一块的我们真不知道何年何月会见上一面。