Please stop spamming my blog, I do not need any medicine/health product/whateva crap at the moment. Thanks a lot for your concern, but my blog is just simply not ready for such advertising comments. So, please stop spamming my blog again!!! You wouldn’t want me to get angry….
There has been a long time since I blog in english, but then I really hoped that I do not need to stress on this (anti-spamming) twice in either mandarin or english anymore (SPAM AND SPAMMERS SUX, OK… maybe I should “act innocent” and stop using foul words). Unforturnately, as long as there is a spammer, I would have to keep asking them for not spamming me, what crap? This is so not logic, eh.. a bit off-topic liao…
事情发生在lecture hall里
不过也没关系,第一印象出来已经不是偏向好的一面,那么我又何必在意在陌生人面前建立良好的形象?或许我真的应该在我朋友每次说悄悄话的时候离开lecture hall,无论lecture是不是在进行中。或许我应该表现得更加gentlemen让人家没有嫌我的余地。或许我不该多心,不应该怀疑人家突然在我面前鄙夷的眼神防范这我偷听的时候是在悄悄地说我的坏话。或许这些东西我不应该放在心上,而是应该直接对她说,而不是在这里无病呻吟。或许我对我朋友表示的所谓尊重其实并不够。或许我应该坚信朋友是三世修来的缘分,应该好好呵护。或许下次我冲动的时候如果想一巴掌赏人的时候好像dobby the house-elf一样惩罚自己才表示我EQ够高。或许我不应该这么八卦,让人家有机会说我坏话。或许我不应该在我自己的blog写关于我朋友的事情,不然会令到她很不开心。
I got so impressed after looking at my friend’s assignment interface. It was simply just tooooooo nice. Therefore, me and my group members agreed to decorate our assignment a bit. Besides that, since we started using MDI, then the whole structure has to be revised.
We have added a navigation menu, so that the bar up there doesn’t look too plain (what an excuse). Then we added in some shortcut button suggested by one of my group members. We have also removed our so-called “logo”, since it was not so nice. And lastly, almost all buttons are now with icons so that user can see them clearly (hehehe).
Our system is usable at the moment as long as u do not key in the wrong thing (like you enter letters when you are asked to enter numeric) because we do not have time to do complete validation. We expect all the validation will be done at the time we submit our assignment though. Below are some of the screenshots taken from my assignment project. You can click on them for better enlarged view.
星期天,若不是约了人应该不会这么早起身的啦。今天暂时放下手头上的功课到了以前的中学走走,因为今天难得有食堂日咯。犹记得上一次食堂日已经是四年前我form 4的时候,我们班总共开了三个摊位,其中一个游戏摊位就是我和一些朋友负责的。我还记得我们班所售卖的珍珠奶茶甜腻的程度……哦,别提了,可是珍珠还真得不错。说回今天吧,继上一次教师节回去走走后,今天看到更多的老师了。基本上没什么变,而且大家仍然不认得我(证明我真得很平凡,可能你出街吐一口水就会射到一个和我类似的人)。老师认不出我其实是好事,因为今天为了招生意,随行的当年top student一直被老师拉来拉去买这个买哪个,虽然间中我自己也被陪葬啦,哈哈哈哈。
Wahaha, after trying for 4 times, finally we get our (our group) DFD diagram 0 correct, phew~. Basically, today I spent the whole day (and I’m still doing) doing DFD. I wonder whether I will get fed up with DFD later. Today we heard some bad news from our lecturers. That is most probably we will have some replacement classes on Saturdays. This is why I don’t feel happy whenever a lecturer is on leave. Why do I (mebbe the whole class) hate Saturday classes? This is because normally we do not have class on Saturday (But we have to stay in college for quite a long time, and mostly break between classes).
Besides that, we are also required to prepare for 2 presentations for week 11-12 that is not more than 3 weeks from now. The problem now is most of our time is occupied with case study assignments. I wonder there is any time left for me to do some revision for other subjects (We still have 4 more tests for Java Programming, 1 test for Calculus, and 1 more “online” test for System Analysis).
Let’s pray for more relaxing life after this week, hohoho~