年初一竟然也要交功課,是也太桑心。這幾天因為自己不能喜慶佳節,就常常會不自覺在朋友很歡樂的status updates留下自己沒有過年,事後回想一整個感覺就好像我在一片歡樂的氣氛中,乞討別人的可憐一樣。其實說出那句話是完全沒有想到那麼多,純粹是很順口的自然反應。不過這種很負面的想法不宜一直延續下去,所以今天我們來好好討論一下最近的一些應節的傳聞好了。
(English Version Below)
Merry Christmas (although we have still around two weeks), I was invited in this so-called blog game (I don’t mind if you want to refer this as a chain letter like game) and I am going to make more blogger suffer by joining this game. Hahaha, however, you won’t be cursed if you are not joining, and there will be no ghost climbing out from your monitor like that one seen in movie “The Ring” (I can’t guarantee that it can’t get into your house through chimney anyway, but do your house has one?).
To continue, you may just post the following stuff in ur blog, and inform your visitors who was ur Santa Clause (the one who invited you to join this stupid game, hehehe), and what do you expect from Santa Clause. Then include a name list who you invited to this game.
我的圣诞老人(My Santa):黄德峻 Wong Teck Jung, blur^sand
我要邀请的(I invited):Knight哥哥,Emily小姐,Jonathan Ng,Ryan,妮子
圣诞老人,你听着了,我要收到的圣诞礼物就是……嗯,一粒Tag Heuer,哈哈哈!
Hey Santa, I’m looking forward to a Tag Heuer watch, hahaha
Sometimes things makes me wonder why am I taking this “Computer Science” course where it is actually a course to teach you how to write programs. I actually expected something like how computer works in detail not programming in DEF language that is popular in demand in local business market. These few days some incidents or I shall say an article makes me think again whether my decision to take this course is a good decision. The article was recommended by my lecturer who lectures us in a subject/unit named “Internet Programming” which should be renamed as “Writting ASP.NET Websites With C#”. Although I find the unit not as interesting as I expected (because most of the things covered in the syllabus are covered again and again in some other subjects/units I took in previous semesters. It is still an interesting subject anyway, considering we have a better image of the .NET framework.)