如果我只是买一本的话,那么多出来的budget就要用来买另一本书了。目前应该是打算买一本关于Data Structure或者是Algorithm的书,因为学院应该是没有提供这一科很重要的课程,只得自己慢慢学。真不晓得他们是怎么编排课程的,唉,让我们同声一哭~。
至于说数学科,其中一科,是我最讨厌的统计学,只不过这次我们是学品质控制(QC),听说之后的几课会触及ISO9002,有点期待,但是很怕受伤害。因为到现在为止,我还不明白讲师介绍的一大堆抽象的concept,还需要很多时间消化。有点怀念上学期的利息学,因为简单易懂的关系咯。至于另一科,不知为何,上他的课就总是那么地累人,今天我上课的时候稍微闭目养神的时候,突然他的声音停顿了,我好奇张开了眼睛,原来他就在我的面前,着实地把我吓出了一身冷汗。可能是巧合吧,但愿。还没有介绍这一科,这一科是逻辑数学吧(Discrete Maths)。
最后一科,就是道德教育,可是和中学的课程不同。非止不同,简直是天壤之别。课程纲要看起来很有趣,但是身边的朋友没有一个对这一科留下好的评论,所以我还是保持观望的态度。讲师的态度有点很典型的马来西亚Style——nanti-nanti style。见今天只有11/27人占据一整间大讲堂,就草草完结今天的讲课,顶~
I have no more energy to translate the whole post here. Basically just wanted to write down whether I should buy the textbook for my “Database System” unit. But since I am only buying at most 1 book this semester, I think I will spend my extra budget on textbook to buy other books for self studying purpose like “Data Structure” or “Algorithm” which is not offered in my course after the syllabus revision (stupid revision).
Then I moved on with my thoughts to each unit this semester.
- Database Systems : Boring lecturer, boring syllabus (cos some of the chapters are repetition of another unit in our diploma year
- ObjectOriented Programming (OOP) : Focus on VB.NET, and our lecturer, as usual promoting the Microsoft Tech
- Discrete Maths : Lecturer is friendly but his class is boring…
- Quality Control : Oh, another statistics paper, stressed. Dun un anything during lecture at all
- Moral : The syllabus seems interesting but heard a lot of negative comments all around. However the lecturer is the very cincai type of person, should I be happy about that?
i didn’t complaint on the price….