

通常这样写标题都不慌好事,所以我从不顺遂的东西开始讲起。正所谓否极泰来嘛,所以就必须从不顺利的事情开始写,然后你就会慢慢感染到我的兴奋。犹记得我刚才说了我的所谓mini assignment跟本是个世纪大骗局,现在随着进度越来越深入,就感觉到越来越不mini。本来我们还想贪方便直接skip掉大部分USDP的步骤,谁知道省略过的后果就是一个超级乱的class diagram。因为实在太乱了,所以也不scan上来了。唯一的一个好处,我想是我们找出了大部分的classes。

没办法啦,目前能做的,只有好好地快速进行所有的USDP步骤。可是我们的requirement list已经长到不能再长了,可以说是从来没有做过一份assignment需要这样包山包海的。之前做的ASP.NET project也只是碎料一份,可能有很大一部分是因为procedural programming吧。我目前的质疑,大概就是讲师说的已经抽出大部分的要求是不是个谎言。因为不需要抽走那些要求,我们的系统也已经很复杂了。还是我自己在进行fact-finding的时候因为要求太高导致自己需要包山包海?

接着是Quality Control这一个科目的功课,乖乖不得了,我今天花了两个小时半才做好,做着的同时,我真的有点想一刀把问题纸搞到粉碎为止。虽然后来总算做到了,虽然最后还不知道是不是作对,或许下次应该叫讲师在每个tutorial questions那边给最后的答案。没有答案参考,感觉上很没有安全感。一题就做了两个小时半,我真的有点担心考试的时候我要花多少时间去做完全部的问题呢?而且她好像还有一大半还没有cover呢,目前正在开始复习,所以之前没搞懂的预料会开始慢慢开始回去pick up,可是真的很多啊。

看到这里,是不是开始心有戚戚焉涅(有没有人可以告诉我这句话是不是这样用)?接下来就是让我高潮了好几分钟的消息,我今天下午收到上个学期的成绩了。实在,无可救药的开心涅,开心到我真的好想飞起来,我要用力飞不管有多远超越了极限奔向到终点~虽然不是考得很好,不过总算是对我的努力有了交待,听好好了哦,然后记得要忘记哦。我的成绩就……没什么啦,一份是学院的AdvancedDiploma的另一份是美国某大学的Degree,分别有1B,其余的……不是我臭屁,是全部A咯。想不到我也有资格当那个我讨厌的广告那个对象“14个A,14个A,14个A呀呀呀呀呀呀……(无限循环小数字词‘呀’)”。Degree Papers考得比较不好的是Internet Programming,然后AdvancedDiploma那边是Psychology,吊诡的是,我的应用统计学竟然在大半张纸不会做都没有面临C的情景(我并非在晒命,因为这个时候天黑了)。


Sorry for not posting in english lately, the main reason behind this is because I am quite busy with my studies lately. Not to say I must blog this in English, because if I keep posting in mandarin, then I would look very stupid for doing so much (er, not much anyway) optimization in this blog in order to do bilingual posting.

Just to report what I’ve done lately, so far the 2nd semester in my Advanced Diploma is alright (at least for now). Getting more busy these days because I am starting with my assignments (time flies~ this is my 5th week already), therefore you should notice the time between two posts are quite long. The assignment for my OOP unit is one of the most “interesting” one as it is known as a “mini project” which later turns out to be a big lie.

The reason I think it is not a “mini” project is that after performing fact-finding, in order to fulfill the requirements set by the lecturer, I would have to do cover a lot of things within 8-9 weeks. We are still stuck at the planning phase where we had just finished the second and hopefully last draft of the requirement list. We actually wanted to avoid following USPD which we have learnt last semester but it turn out as a wrong idea after we tried to draw a class diagram without going thru all the processes (class diagram should be somewhere end of the other processes).

Then another troublesome assignment is from my Quality Control Unit, I have spent 2 and a 1/2 hour to solve a question. This really annoys and worries me whether I can finish my examination ppr in time where I only have 2 hours to solve 4 bloody questions.

This afternoon was definitely the best afternoon I ever had, *evil laugh*. This is because I received my exam result for the last semester, for both AdvancedDiploma and Degree pprs. For Advanced Diploma papers, I got 1B for my introduction to Psychology. For my Degree Papers, I have a B for my Internet Programming (kinda strange, I really thought I scored badly for my applied statistics paper). The remaining units(subjects) all scored A (in short, 14A’s and 2B’s). I was so excited and nearly shouted in the office building, I would also like to congratulate my partner in OOP assignment for obtaining good results as well.

I would also like to take this apportunity to thank my aunt for being so kind and concern to me and my parents for their support as well (did they? but nvm, but there is 呱~). Other than that, not to forget my lecturers (if they happen to pass by) for being so nice in guiding where we should start our research, clarifying our doubts etc., thanks a lot!

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