首先,我要对所有的出席者说声抱歉,因为1027当晚的slide由于是仓促间赶出来的,所以做得不尽完美,至少是过不了自己的那关的。可是奈何于还是得交差,还是得拿出来接受大家的审判,来吧!!!如果你发觉好像只有几个人的照片在,这是因为一来是我真的是last minute的关系,二来,是因为google真的这几天不知道在干嘛慢到一个极点,而我的所有资料都在那个gmail里面,所以真的有一点欲哭无泪的感觉,唉~另外,要对所有的筹委说声对不起,因为真的因为自己私事颇忙的关系所以拖到今天才做slide,也因此成为最迟到的筹委,再深深地一鞠躬。好啦,这次我没办法很详尽地记录所有发生的事情(感觉上很多人在欢呼了,死仔包终于不用长篇大论了)。
Yoyo! This is my first post in english. From now on, all english blog posts will be posted to categories that is named in english. This is the first time I post articles over internet in english instead of chinese. Hopefully my english is not too “broken” till others are not able to understand.
At the moment I’m rushing for my System Analyzing case study and encounter some difficulties to draw DFD (Data Flow Diagram) with Microsoft Visio. I had tried other open source alternative software (for example, DIA for windows) but found out that they are more difficult to draw DFD.
Besides drawing DFD, I am also designing some input and output screen related to my case study titled Online Bookstore System Analysis. Luckily I played with those IDE before and know a bit of the techniques to design a form, or else I will spend hours to figure out how to design those damned IO screen.
Stressssssssss, but anyway, I watched Fantastic Four (F4) this afternoon and posted my thoughts on that movie (in chinese). If you are interested, you may read it with help from online translator (Google translator).
虽然看不明白电影在说什么,但我还是得承认她在感恩节时说的那句话,她的确是个幸运的人。故事的主人翁Liz GroceriesGilbert,其实是预先领了这本书的版税然后出门溜达了一年回来才交货的,你说这是不是很幸运?!好吧,撇处幸运不说,这是我第一次在大荧幕上……其实技术上来说是第二次看到传说中的Julia Roberts(第一次为The Valentine’s Day)。这次看到她比在情人节电影的时候看起来更脱俗更有气质了一点,感觉她还是比较适合演绎都市里发生的故事。