说到今天的Assignment Presentation,可以说是好坏参半。不说技术上的缺点,先说说我们沟通的失败。技术上的缺点可以透过更多的coding更改,但是大家对于assignment的投入程度,我觉得需要一点检讨。因为这次的presentation,我组内的某成员因为没办法上网而无法时刻跟进我们连续三天疯狂编程的进度,所以在presentation的过程非常不顺利。到我回到家重新检讨,我才发觉和她同组那么多次了,这个现象并不是第一次发生。其是我不能说是谁的错,因为谁是谁非并非由我做主。
后来跟Emily谈了后,我唤起了更多回忆。现说说这次的assignment的事情,我记得,上个星期五,我和另外一个GroupMember相约在library谈assignment比较关键的coding问题。吃完午饭后,我就独自一个人走回lib,中途遇到她,她就问我要去那里,assignment的东西要怎么做。我所肯定记得的是我说我要去lib和另一个group member谈,然后assignment各做各的,之后我来拼起来。如果要说我错,我承认当时并没有明言邀请她跟着来。在今天的presentation后我透过朋友口中知道她在我走后眼泛泪光。但是我要说的是,我当时真的以为,真的expect她会跟着,结果却没有,那么我也当她没问题就自行离去了。
说说算算也不是第一次了,印象中没有多少次我可以找到一个partner可以和我一般了解整个assignment的过程。同组的group member不是完全空白,就是知道一半这样子。印象中也没有多少次有人主动问我整个进度到了什么程度。也就是因为这样,我非常在乎整个流程到底怎样了,慢慢地,变成我自己在主导整个assignment的进度。我不知道这个是不是我自己的感觉,我也希望不是,因为这种感觉让我觉得很不舒服,因为我不是一个自大的人。因为每次当分组的时候,如果我被分到哪一组的话,那组一定会有若干人会高兴?我希望我只是太敏感。如果这样造成大家不过问、不关心进度的话,那么,我下次就不要那么在乎了。要知道,控制整个assignment的流程,然后make sure everybody get informed是不容易的事,唯一一次我相信整组人了解发生什么似的,只有上个学期的其中一份报告(ADIS Report 2)。那次之后,因为讲师的误导,再加上每次都是我去找讲师了解更多详情,造成我知道得越来越多,但是我却没有办法把我知道的传达出去,因为我不可能知道大家的了解程度到多少,大家真正concern的是什么,结果到头来,还是我一个人赶完全部report。
I got so impressed after looking at my friend’s assignment interface. It was simply just tooooooo nice. Therefore, me and my group members agreed to decorate our assignment a bit. Besides that, since we started using MDI, then the whole structure has to be revised.
We have added a navigation menu, so that the bar up there doesn’t look too plain (what an excuse). Then we added in some shortcut button suggested by one of my group members. We have also removed our so-called “logo”, since it was not so nice. And lastly, almost all buttons are now with icons so that user can see them clearly (hehehe).
Our system is usable at the moment as long as u do not key in the wrong thing (like you enter letters when you are asked to enter numeric) because we do not have time to do complete validation. We expect all the validation will be done at the time we submit our assignment though. Below are some of the screenshots taken from my assignment project. You can click on them for better enlarged view.
前天是我们的presentation日,因为第一节和第二节,也就是最后一节,也就是我们的presentation时间,相差了有5个小时,所以我们就“善用”那五个小时的空挡草草准备一份比较能看的powerpoint presentation。
Wahaha, the presentation was just going fine just that our group has missed some feature that is suppose to be ready as mentioned in our proposal. Besides that, our lecturer also required us to prepare some new modules in order to make the system more complete. However, since we havn’t learn anything about MDI yet I think I will just wait until all three of us master that chapter then only we start our second version.
Our group are quite fortunate since there are not much problems occur during our presentation. The group after us keep facing technical problems and this helped the last group because they have another week to prepare for this presentation. However, if I were them I will feel a bit dissapointed. Hohoho.
Just spent half a day finishing the interface for my group’s system – library system. And since we couldnt come out with a name that is interesting, so we just simply name the system as “Up2U Library System”, sounds dumb ho…?
Showing above is the main screen interface for our system. The system is separated into 3 parts with 2 modules each. I am in charge of the administration part of the system. Following is one of the screens for my module.
Look dumb huh… Basically, since MDI is not yet taught by the lecturer and I am really to busy to learn that in advance, so I link all the interfaces with “Unload” and “Load” commands. Therefore there is nothing really special about our system. Probably after learning MDI in the coming weeks then I will convert the whole system to MDI, hehehe.
Few days ago, I posted up my response on the e-learning issue as requested by my lecturer. I was quite shocked after found out that not more than 5 people posted their response. Is this a sign showing that even though we are studying computer science, but we still do not appreciate and utilize the internet connection wisely? Or this shows that our e-learning system has some problem because it doesn’t help attracting students to login (in other word, it sucks)?
But then, I am quite impressed that there are people who rely on the internet resources in studying in my course. This is because in my college, we are rely on the lecturer for notes. If a lecturer does not provide notes for photocopying, then he/she will be in trouble when students evaluate him/her during the end of semester. Not many who are really interested finding out more on the subject somewhere else and this is probably why not many logged into the BlackBoard and post their response.
In my response, I pointed out that constant electrical supply is a main factor in order to make e-learning a success. It is quite insulting when we are already used to electricity black-outs even in this so-called “Advanced State”. Besides that, decent broadband coverage is also another important factor because not many residents in Malaysia are able to surf online with the help of broadband. Even one can surf using broadband, if he/she is using Streamyx’s service, then he/she will probably suffer from the constantly service down. Even though there are other ISPs providing broadband connection but they cant provide low cost connection. This is because wired connection that is generally cheaper is already monopolized by Telekom. In order to use other ISPs’ services, we will need to pay more for the hardware because they use wireless technology to deliver broadband connection.
If these problems are left unbothered, then I do not expect E-learning will become a trend in Malaysia.
Recently our English for Science unit’s lecturer posted an issue about e-learning at the college’s “e-learning” system (which is actually a blackBoard Learning System that is also used by many other colleges) and we are required to write a response to that issue. She also provided a link to a page that clearly explains about “e-learning”. Until now, I have really no idea on this issue since I am still reading that webpage while I am posting this.
If only looking at my college’s so called “e-learning” system, I really don’t like it much because it is not as useful as I expected. Blackboard Learning System is no doubt a good system handling “e-learning” things but it is not being well used at my college. I myself prefer looking for information at another websites rather than the e-learning system because there are almost nothing provided by our lecturer through the system except for some lecture notes / tutorial questions / assignment questions etc. I have a friend studying at another college and I heard from him that he can get a lot more things through their college BlackBoard System besides notes / assignments etc. And the participation of his lecturer is much better compared to my college. I found that sometimes it is very rare to see any lecturer to join in our discussion in the discussion board and probably this is why Blackboard System is not popular in my college.
But these are only some problems that only occur in my college, and this doesn’t mean that they will happen in other colleges as well. Therefore these cannot be the only points in my response to the issue, *sigh*. Now I would need to start thinking what to write and post them this Friday since I do not have much spare time because the units I took in this semester are quite tough (at least 4 credit hours) and I am definitely don’t wish the same thing happened as the “Introductory to Discrete Mathematics” unit last semester.
正因为如此,我并不太排斥上英文课,不过也没有为此改进了我的英文能力,呵呵呵。原因是因为在她们说她们的grandmother stories的时候,我总是把注意力投入到另外的地方。当然偶尔也会听听看她说什么,然后过后就拿那些故事来当作同学间的玩笑课题(很坏咧)。就拿我高中的英文老师为例,我们很喜欢上她的课(除非她有给功课,她是个很麻烦的老师……这是后话),尤其是她讲解文学(Literature)的那几课。她简直是做编剧的材料,因为从文学课的课文她可以扯到她的家人的故事。还要全部都是悲剧。不过先搞清楚,在当时我们是很同情她的遭遇的,只不过在她越说越多,而且越来越匪夷所思的时候,我们只好选择听过就算了。还有一点很特别的就是每当上文学课的时候,我们一大班都依她的要求全部集中在班内的中心点,然后好像小学生般围着她上课。呵呵呵。
上了她三堂课,她给我们的印象是凡是都按照规矩进行,甚至被规矩所局限。你有听过一组人做assignment要签合约的吗?而且还要花一整个小时来解说简单的10条规矩(原因之一是因为她说话的速度,如果你看过The Matrix,她的速度就有如里面的所谓Program的速度,就是Oracle/Architect那一伙人的速度)。真服了她哦,而且看她不苟言笑的样子,很难想象如同猴子出闸的我们如何继续顶下去。
不过还好,这个学期还是有和我们类似的Tutor(助教吗?)教我们Windows Programming(VB),他真的很好笑哦,一整课都在强调自己有多么帅气,虽然我们没有一个有同感。很不巧的,第一课我就被他摆了上台,以达到活学活用的精神。他当时所要讲解的是Objects, Properties & Event在VB中的意思,所以把我搞出去后,指着我把我比喻成一个Object,之后我的身高体重等就是Properties。然后不知道他怎么扯的问我有没有洗鞋子(运动鞋),诚实如我当然很老实的说没有(因为银色的鞋子变成了黑灰色。然后他很做作的“弹开”,但是却说我其中一个”properties”是“鞋很干净”……最后到了event,当然,是说当某事件发生了,会有什么后果。他拍了拍我肩膀,并说“当我拍他的肩膀,他会说I Love You!”。好了,第一次就很应酬的照做。第二次又来,这次是I Love Mr. xx(他)。我开始Fed Up了,就直接说,I don’t Love Mr. XX(他),呵呵呵。
他真的很有趣啦,而且很了解我们学生的心声,所以他也没有cover太多Theory的东西,因为他知道我们会从讲师的课内知道,所以并没有花太多时间在内。反倒是Practical Part就花比较多的时间,因为班内很多人很明显Practical跟不上。如果这样的Tutor/Lecturer再多几个就好了,呵呵呵。
今天因为还在赶Assignment的关系一行四人到其中一位成员的家完成我们的 Assignment(可是Somehow变成了我的One Man Show,这是后话,待会再谈)。结果刚踏入门口就看到一位女生满身伤,看起来很哀伤的样子。虽然我是很好奇,可是因为素不相识,所以还是不便开口向问。后来透过朋友的查探,才知道她在学院附近被打劫。真是TMD,光天化日之下,这种社会垃圾竟然公然行抢。
话说昨天,小弟因为自己第四稿的Proposal被讲师退稿,不过还好有了比较明确的线索,所以用尽精神在一小时内重新绘制一张。在这种十万火急的情况,再加上我是在讲堂,大家都很安静(就算是谈天,我们十个人也不会吵得太离谱),我也很平静地画。谁不知,这个时候,这个王八蛋突然间对着他的 GroupMember大声咆哮(原谅我用这词儿,但是我真的找不出更适当的词句来形容他的音量)。我只是很给脸地嘘声示意他降低音量,谁不知他竟然 “FUCK YOU!!!”,他奶奶的,他以为自己是什么新鲜萝卜皮。
唉,人就是那么的无聊,也不懂为什么。最近小弟忙到就来连阿妈都不认得,除了麻鬼烦的Case Study,还有很多测验将会在接下来几个星期接踵而来(详情可以参考之前的英文Blog)。天啊,我可以说这是第一次我感觉到时间那么不够用。呵呵呵。
前几天第一次Post上第一个英文的Blog post,昨天(截稿时已过半夜12点)晚餐朋友向我提起这件事。因为那则Blog内有附上一个超连接是把之前F4的电影观后感翻译成英文的,结果引发不少笑料(不过小弟是无辜的,我没时间去查看啦)。结果我写了两个字的英文直接翻译,然后两者合起来就成了笑料。那两个字就是,Spice(香料), Girls(女孩/姑娘们),结果结合起来应该是Spice Girls(辣妹),可是却变成“香料姑娘”。呵呵呵,可能目前的科技发展还无法完善地把某字和context相互配合翻译所以类似上述的笑料其实很容易发生,呵呵。
男生甲:“I like to fight, therefore I want to become a fightER!”
女生丙:“I like to write, I want to become a writER~”
到小明了,他很骄傲地说:“I like to draw, I want to become a drawER~”
首先,我要对所有的出席者说声抱歉,因为1027当晚的slide由于是仓促间赶出来的,所以做得不尽完美,至少是过不了自己的那关的。可是奈何于还是得交差,还是得拿出来接受大家的审判,来吧!!!如果你发觉好像只有几个人的照片在,这是因为一来是我真的是last minute的关系,二来,是因为google真的这几天不知道在干嘛慢到一个极点,而我的所有资料都在那个gmail里面,所以真的有一点欲哭无泪的感觉,唉~另外,要对所有的筹委说声对不起,因为真的因为自己私事颇忙的关系所以拖到今天才做slide,也因此成为最迟到的筹委,再深深地一鞠躬。好啦,这次我没办法很详尽地记录所有发生的事情(感觉上很多人在欢呼了,死仔包终于不用长篇大论了)。
平安夜……一瞬间突然间觉得有点远,可是最近几天都在忙空间搬家的事情,所以并没有什么时间blog,再加上这几天拜台湾地震导致国际线路断掉所赐,线路突然间变得异常繁忙,异常缓慢,所以搁置下来到现在才能够post。其实这次的所谓“圣诞大餐”早就在一个星期前就开始召集人马,可是因为自己并没有很热心,造成只有小猫两三只出席罢了。不过也好过没有啦,至少当天大家都聊得很开心。当天的行程从Selayang出发到Sentul的Naili’s Place,然后去到Sri Damansara接一个朋友,再到Kepong接另一个朋友,再到Kepong的Station One,结果大家聊到半夜才回家,我回到家已经是深夜的2点了。