

截取Alan Watts的一些議論,還有接下來的文本。



In order to desire, you first have to acknowledge something’s missing. It’s this intent focus on what we’re lacking that makes us miserable. We’re placing ourselves in front of artificial trenches that separate us from mostly made up needs.

How To Fight AnxietyNiklas Göke


What did they do? They moved on and went about their day. That’s called detachment. Part of life is that life sometimes sucks. To accept that and not be swayed by it is a skill.


But today we don’t go on. We go on Facebook. And Instagram. And Twitter. In search of answers we don’t need, hoping to get a quick fix. Because we care too much. Yet, all we see on highlight media is everyone having ‘the time of their lives.’

我們必須認清shit happens,很多時候我們只能own it, fix it, and move on。世間一切從來就不是永遠的光鮮亮麗,當然我不是説小朋友不需要因此感到沮喪,但是不是共事者的觀衆對於此事的不諒解和回饋,真的有比上司的諒解和協助來得重要嗎?

Detachment is taking care of your shit while your partner figures out their own. It’s not letting your boss’s feedback tear a hole in your self-image. Not adding more suffering in imagination to what you endure in reality.





The conventional view of emotions and good or bad, positive or negative, is rigid. And rigidity in the face of complexity is toxic.

The gift and power of emotional courage – Susan David


I told him I loved him, said goodbye and headed off for my day. At school, I drifted from science to mathematics to history to biology, as my father slipped from the world. From May to July to September to November, I went about with my usual smile. I didn’t drop a single grade. When asked how I was doing, I would shrug and say, “OK.”. I was praised for being strong. I was the master of being OK.


No one knew, and in a culture that values relentless positivity, I thought that no one wanted to know.


But one person did not buy into my story of triumph over grief. My eighth-grade English teacher fixed me with burning blue eyes as she handed out blank notebooks. She said, “Write what you’re feeling. Tell the truth. Write like nobody’s reading.”. And just like that, I was invited to show up authentically to my grief and pain. It was a simple act, but nothing short of a revolution for me.


Life’s beauty is inseparable from its fragility. … The only certainty is uncertainty and yet we are not navigating this frailty successfully or sustainably.


And at a time of greater complexity, unprecedented technological, political and economic change, we are seeing how people’s tendency is more and more lock down into rigid responses to their emotions. On one hand we might obsessively brood on our feelings. Getting stuck inside our heads. Hooked on being right. Or victimized by our news feed. On the other, we might bottle our emotions, pushing them aside and permitting only those emotions deemed legitimate.


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