

另一篇,也是跟social support有關。

用Social support擊敗壓力


A social support network is made up of friends, family and peers. Social support is different from a support group, which is generally a structured meeting run by a lay leader or mental health professional.

Social support: Tap this tool to beat stressMayo Clinic Staff


… a social support network is something you can develop when you’re not under stress. It provides the comfort of knowing that your friends are there for you if you need them.

某程度,social support的形狀是你自己捏出來的。你不會跟不喜歡不信任的人建立相對深刻的社交關係吧。

Studies have demonstrated that social isolation and loneliness are associated with a greater risk of poor mental health and poor cardiovascular health, as well as other health problems.

其實這篇文章有列出一些益處,但我個人是覺得有點虛無縹緲就不特別説了。但是兩篇文章都有說social isolation有很高的幾率引發一些生理和心理的問題就是。

另外也是有一些策略,其實跟上面説的差不多,也不外乎是透過興趣拓展社交圈子,去成爲義工去運動參與一些運動群組參加一些課程或上網尋找有類似遭遇的人組成的support group之類的。


Stay in touch. Answering phone calls, returning emails and reciprocating invitations let people know you care.


Don’t compete. Be happy instead of jealous when your friends succeed.


Be a good listener. Listen when your friends are speaking. Find out what’s important to them.


Don’t overdo it. Be careful not to overwhelm friends and family with phone calls and emails.


Appreciate your friends and family. Take time to say thank you and express how important they are to you.


Give back. Be available for family and friends when they need support.

You help me, I help you這樣。

Remember that a goal of building your social support network is to reduce your stress level, not add to it. Watch for situations that seem to drain your energy. For example, avoid spending too much time with someone who is constantly negative and critical.


Taking the time to build a social support network is a wise investment not only in your mental well-being but also in your physical health and longevity. Start making more friends or improving the relationships you already have. Whether you’re the one getting the support or the one doling out the encouragement, you’ll reap rewards.

其實就是be nice,你對人真誠,他人他日也會有几率爲你赴湯蹈火。

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