

… we may inadvertently shame them out of emotions seen as negative, jump to a solution and fail to help them to see these emotions as inherently valuable.


Normal, natural emotions are now seen as good or bad. And being positive has become a new form of moral correctness. … It’s a tyranny. It’s a tyranny of positivity. And it is cruel. Unkind. And ineffective.


If there’s one common feature of brooding, bottling or false positivity, it’s this: they are all rigid responses. And if there’s a single lesson we can learn from the inevitable fall of apartheid, it is that rigid denial doesn’t work.


Research on emotional suppression shows that when emotions are pushed aside or ignored, they get stronger. Psychologists call this amplification. … You might think you’re in control of unwanted emotions when you ignore them, but in fact they control you. Internal pain always comes out. Always.


Only dead people never get stressed, never get broken hearts, never experience the disappointment that comes with failure. Tough emotions are part of our contract with life. You don’t get to have a meaningful career or raise a family or leave the world a better place without stress and discomfort.



The KK Show – #52 Ken的私人診療室 – 唐綺陽 – 百靈果


Discomfort is the price of admission to a meaningful life.


Research now shows that the radical acceptance of all of our emotions even the messy difficult ones is the cornerstone of resilience, thriving, and true authentic happiness.


But emotion agility is more than just an acceptance of emotions. We also know that accuracy matters. In my own research, I found that words are essential. We often use quick and easy labels to describe our feelings. “I’m stressed!” is the most common one I hear. But there’s a world of difference between stress and disappointment or stress that knowing dread of “I’m in the wrong career.”. When we label our emotions accurately, we are more able to discern the precise cause of our feelings.


When we label our emotions more accurately, we are more able to discern the precise cause of our feelings. And what scientists call the readiness potential in our brain is activated, allowing us to take concrete steps. But not just any steps, the right steps for us. Because our emotions are data. Our emotions contain flashing lights to things that we care about.


When we are open to the difficult emotions, we are able to generate responses that are values-aligned. But there’s an important caveat. Emotions are data, they are not directives. … We own our emotions, they don’t own us. When we internalize the difference between how I feel in all my wisdom and what I do in a values-aligned action, we generate the pathway to our best selves via our emotions.


In my research, when I looked at what helps people to bring the best of themselves to work, I found a powerful key contributor: individualized consideration. When people are allowed to feel their emotional truth, engagement, creativity and innovation flourish in the organization. Diversity isn’t just people, it’s also what’s inside people, including diversity of emotion.


Emotional agility is the ability to be with your emotions with curiosity, compassion, and especially the courage to take values-connected steps.

其實Emotional agility的概念,跟之前功課提過的東西很類似,主要還是正視自己情緒,然後做出相應的舉動和決定。我很喜歡在這段話之後的結語,但我不覺得我可以生出更好的解説,所以有時間讀到這裏的人可以點進去一看。



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