

再來就是Social Support如何影響增進心理健康。

Social Support如何增進心理健康


It is social support that builds people up during times of stress and often gives them the strength to carry on and even thrive.

How Social Support Contributes to Psychological HealthKendra Cherry

所以Social support可以在承受壓力的時候提供前進的動力。

But social support is certainly not a one-way street. In addition to relying on others, you also serve as a form of support for many people in your life. 


In one study of middle-aged men over a seven-year period, those with strong social and emotional support were less likely to die than those who lacked such relationships.


所謂Social support可以以不同形式進行

Helping a person with various daily tasks when they are ill or offering financial assistance when they are in need


Giving advice to a friend when they are facing a difficult situation


Providing caring, empathy, and concern for loved ones in need


Social integration is the actual participation in various social relationships, ranging from romantic partnerships to friendships. This integration involves emotions, intimacy, and a sense of belonging to different social groups …


Experts suggest that being integrated into such social relationships confers a protective benefit against maladaptive behaviors and damaging health consequences.


縱觀三篇關於Social support的文章,如果第一章教你如何交友,第二章教你如何自處,那這篇重點就是教你如何分辨不同的support。

Sometimes the people in your life provide emotional support. They back you up when you need it and are there with a shoulder to cry on when things don’t go your way.


In other cases, the people in your social network might provide instrumental support. They take care of your physical needs and offer a helping hand when you need it.


People can also provide what is known as informational support. This can involve providing guidance, advice, information, and mentoring.



By having this form of support, people may feel less anxious and stressed out about the problems they are trying to solve thanks to the advice of a trusted friend, mentor, or loved one.


Participation in social groups has a normative influence on behaviors, often influencing whether people eat a healthy diet, exercise, smoke, drink, or use illegal substances.


Clearly, social groups can sometimes have a negative influence in this regard when peer pressure and influence leads to poor or even dangerous health choices. However, group pressure and support can also lead people to engage in healthy behaviors as well. 


Social support also helps people to cope with stress. Stress has been shown to have serious health consequences ranging from reduced immunity to increased risk of heart disease.


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