Please stop spamming my blog, I do not need any medicine/health product/whateva crap at the moment. Thanks a lot for your concern, but my blog is just simply not ready for such advertising comments. So, please stop spamming my blog again!!! You wouldn’t want me to get angry….
There has been a long time since I blog in english, but then I really hoped that I do not need to stress on this (anti-spamming) twice in either mandarin or english anymore (SPAM AND SPAMMERS SUX, OK… maybe I should “act innocent” and stop using foul words). Unforturnately, as long as there is a spammer, I would have to keep asking them for not spamming me, what crap? This is so not logic, eh.. a bit off-topic liao…
I got so impressed after looking at my friend’s assignment interface. It was simply just tooooooo nice. Therefore, me and my group members agreed to decorate our assignment a bit. Besides that, since we started using MDI, then the whole structure has to be revised.
We have added a navigation menu, so that the bar up there doesn’t look too plain (what an excuse). Then we added in some shortcut button suggested by one of my group members. We have also removed our so-called “logo”, since it was not so nice. And lastly, almost all buttons are now with icons so that user can see them clearly (hehehe).
Our system is usable at the moment as long as u do not key in the wrong thing (like you enter letters when you are asked to enter numeric) because we do not have time to do complete validation. We expect all the validation will be done at the time we submit our assignment though. Below are some of the screenshots taken from my assignment project. You can click on them for better enlarged view.
是这样的,因为我表弟屡次投诉很多程序装不下,所以我建议他重灌系统。好了,因为不想浪费时间做在那边教他我就把一些方法告诉了他。之后安装后的东西我再想办法和他联络。之后联络的过程很不顺利,由于我们俩都在硬体防火墙后面,所以用不上一些简单的远程控制程序。高了接近两小时后,我妥协了,叫他自己安装MSN Messenger,虽不致这么简单的程序他竟然摸了整个小时还没摸到如何使用。恰巧自己也不使用官方的client,无奈之下只好要他找表妹恶补。
I was extremely angry just now because my cousin made me repeated the same instruction for 3-4 times. Because of his sistem not performing well lately, therefore I recommended him to reformat the system and switch to a newer OS. Since I am quite busy these days, therefore I just gave him some instruction on how to start the installation. After that, I went back home.
After he managed to installed the whole OS, then we faced difficulties in contacting each other using netmeeting and remote controlling program. I didn’t know much about that problem but I think the router we installed are causing the problems (both of us are using a router). Then we settled the problem by switching to MSN, but then he couldn’t figure out how to use that s/w. Since I stopped using MSN official client for quite a long time, therefore I asked him to seek advice from my cousin. OK, after around half an hour he was finally able to communicate via MSN network, but then telling him to do one thing caused me to repeat the SAME instruction for 3-4 times. And I get extremely annoyed and started sending very rude word thru MSN to him. hehe…. I really hope that I do not have to deal with this kind of ppl anymore…
Wahaha, the presentation was just going fine just that our group has missed some feature that is suppose to be ready as mentioned in our proposal. Besides that, our lecturer also required us to prepare some new modules in order to make the system more complete. However, since we havn’t learn anything about MDI yet I think I will just wait until all three of us master that chapter then only we start our second version.
Our group are quite fortunate since there are not much problems occur during our presentation. The group after us keep facing technical problems and this helped the last group because they have another week to prepare for this presentation. However, if I were them I will feel a bit dissapointed. Hohoho.
Just spent half a day finishing the interface for my group’s system – library system. And since we couldnt come out with a name that is interesting, so we just simply name the system as “Up2U Library System”, sounds dumb ho…?
Showing above is the main screen interface for our system. The system is separated into 3 parts with 2 modules each. I am in charge of the administration part of the system. Following is one of the screens for my module.
Look dumb huh… Basically, since MDI is not yet taught by the lecturer and I am really to busy to learn that in advance, so I link all the interfaces with “Unload” and “Load” commands. Therefore there is nothing really special about our system. Probably after learning MDI in the coming weeks then I will convert the whole system to MDI, hehehe.
Few days ago, I posted up my response on the e-learning issue as requested by my lecturer. I was quite shocked after found out that not more than 5 people posted their response. Is this a sign showing that even though we are studying computer science, but we still do not appreciate and utilize the internet connection wisely? Or this shows that our e-learning system has some problem because it doesn’t help attracting students to login (in other word, it sucks)?
But then, I am quite impressed that there are people who rely on the internet resources in studying in my course. This is because in my college, we are rely on the lecturer for notes. If a lecturer does not provide notes for photocopying, then he/she will be in trouble when students evaluate him/her during the end of semester. Not many who are really interested finding out more on the subject somewhere else and this is probably why not many logged into the BlackBoard and post their response.
In my response, I pointed out that constant electrical supply is a main factor in order to make e-learning a success. It is quite insulting when we are already used to electricity black-outs even in this so-called “Advanced State”. Besides that, decent broadband coverage is also another important factor because not many residents in Malaysia are able to surf online with the help of broadband. Even one can surf using broadband, if he/she is using Streamyx’s service, then he/she will probably suffer from the constantly service down. Even though there are other ISPs providing broadband connection but they cant provide low cost connection. This is because wired connection that is generally cheaper is already monopolized by Telekom. In order to use other ISPs’ services, we will need to pay more for the hardware because they use wireless technology to deliver broadband connection.
If these problems are left unbothered, then I do not expect E-learning will become a trend in Malaysia.
Recently our English for Science unit’s lecturer posted an issue about e-learning at the college’s “e-learning” system (which is actually a blackBoard Learning System that is also used by many other colleges) and we are required to write a response to that issue. She also provided a link to a page that clearly explains about “e-learning”. Until now, I have really no idea on this issue since I am still reading that webpage while I am posting this.
If only looking at my college’s so called “e-learning” system, I really don’t like it much because it is not as useful as I expected. Blackboard Learning System is no doubt a good system handling “e-learning” things but it is not being well used at my college. I myself prefer looking for information at another websites rather than the e-learning system because there are almost nothing provided by our lecturer through the system except for some lecture notes / tutorial questions / assignment questions etc. I have a friend studying at another college and I heard from him that he can get a lot more things through their college BlackBoard System besides notes / assignments etc. And the participation of his lecturer is much better compared to my college. I found that sometimes it is very rare to see any lecturer to join in our discussion in the discussion board and probably this is why Blackboard System is not popular in my college.
But these are only some problems that only occur in my college, and this doesn’t mean that they will happen in other colleges as well. Therefore these cannot be the only points in my response to the issue, *sigh*. Now I would need to start thinking what to write and post them this Friday since I do not have much spare time because the units I took in this semester are quite tough (at least 4 credit hours) and I am definitely don’t wish the same thing happened as the “Introductory to Discrete Mathematics” unit last semester.
Wahaha, after trying for 4 times, finally we get our (our group) DFD diagram 0 correct, phew~. Basically, today I spent the whole day (and I’m still doing) doing DFD. I wonder whether I will get fed up with DFD later. Today we heard some bad news from our lecturers. That is most probably we will have some replacement classes on Saturdays. This is why I don’t feel happy whenever a lecturer is on leave. Why do I (mebbe the whole class) hate Saturday classes? This is because normally we do not have class on Saturday (But we have to stay in college for quite a long time, and mostly break between classes).
Besides that, we are also required to prepare for 2 presentations for week 11-12 that is not more than 3 weeks from now. The problem now is most of our time is occupied with case study assignments. I wonder there is any time left for me to do some revision for other subjects (We still have 4 more tests for Java Programming, 1 test for Calculus, and 1 more “online” test for System Analysis).
Let’s pray for more relaxing life after this week, hohoho~
Yoyo! This is my first post in english. From now on, all english blog posts will be posted to categories that is named in english. This is the first time I post articles over internet in english instead of chinese. Hopefully my english is not too “broken” till others are not able to understand.
At the moment I’m rushing for my System Analyzing case study and encounter some difficulties to draw DFD (Data Flow Diagram) with Microsoft Visio. I had tried other open source alternative software (for example, DIA for windows) but found out that they are more difficult to draw DFD.
Besides drawing DFD, I am also designing some input and output screen related to my case study titled Online Bookstore System Analysis. Luckily I played with those IDE before and know a bit of the techniques to design a form, or else I will spend hours to figure out how to design those damned IO screen.
Stressssssssss, but anyway, I watched Fantastic Four (F4) this afternoon and posted my thoughts on that movie (in chinese). If you are interested, you may read it with help from online translator (Google translator).
不要想到一边去,其实这只是一个我们闹的笑话,我们是什么人?就是一班无聊的Advanced Diploma生(顺便提一下,我们全系只有剩下12人左右,其他人不是转校到社会大学就是到别的大专院校就读)对Liberal Arts的另类见解。因为真的很疑惑这一科到底是什么东西,所以为了得到最准确的Definition,我们特地查了x桥x角超级无敌大辞典看看liberal到底还有什么特别的意思。如我们之前所预料+理解的,我们得到的结果就是——“自由主义艺术”。不过结果当然不是这么有趣的啦,不要忘了我是Double Major in Computer Science and Management Mathematics的。