因为开学了需要用到VB.NET,所以之后的两个星期再次分了一次partition,之前分给kubuntu 30GB,而Windows10GB,现在相反变成Windows 30GB,然后kubuntu 10GB。本来是想用XEN来实现Kubuntu下完整模拟Windows的,奈何步骤繁复,我有点担心自己跑不完,会有差错于是就没用了。恰巧给我找到Colinux这个Windows下模拟Linux的咚咚,进而给我找到一个已经简化的配套AndLinux。不过安装测试后,发觉到安装一个package会用掉好久的时间,就暂时不碰了,继续dual boot吧(不过回到windows后,反而没有回到linux了,之前在linux下也没有回过windows,比起以前算是有进步了)。
回到了windows,第一件事情就是把它弄得好好的,美美的。然后呢就是按照我这个post重新安装一大堆的软件。So far so good,算不错啦。
至于界面修改,也完成了七七八八,如果你没有察觉的话,“我的自述”这一页也被我弄得好好的了。暂时应该不会见到一大堆的文字充斥整个页面吧?但愿如此。此外,因为podcast取消了,所以我弄了一个moblog来代替,暂时只有一个post,之后应该会继续更新吧。如果你想看到新post,我会建议你使用feed reader来订阅。如果你对订阅还蒙喳喳的话,可以浏览这个参考。至于如果你使用的是Firefox的话,那就更简单了,地址栏右边通常都会有一个橙色的小图标,点击一下就能用firefox订阅了(不过只有头条)。
自学这一方面,因为还是比较喜欢捧在手上的书,目前大概是去找找看有没有这样的书,然后才买来读好了。电子书看了眼睛痛(虽然是用LCD monitor),还有另一个课程大概会印那份笔记出来吧。
Besides that, I have also changed the layout and the design of this blog and generally received positive response. Less things scattered around and there are more blank spaces now. Besides that, I also started another blog which is my moblog (but still monolingual, Mandarin). So far there is only one post and I hope to post more soon. Meanwhile, I would suggest you to subscribe to that blog instead of going there once in a while to check.
I planned to learn up something but it is still a plan and nothing is done to bring myself closer to the goal. 😀 I still prefer having a printed book rather than ebook because reading ebooks is very uncomfortable. (OK, i know this is a very lame excuse).
Besides sleeping for half of the time, I blogged quite often as well during the past two months. I think I will start decreasing the speed for the following months. Besides that, as you see, I am blogging in both Mandarin and English for the past few posts and if nothing really special happens, then keeping blogging in English shouldn’t be a problem, hopefully. Please kindly leave me any comment on my English posts, thanks (I know I am suck in both language, but I still welcome comments, come come la).
I would like to know the performance compare to running in Window.